m at h . FA ] 1 4 O ct 1 99 6 A counterexample to a question of
We give an example of a compact metric space K, an open dense subset U of K, and a sequence (fn) in C(K) which is pointwise convergent to a non-continuous function on K, such that for every u ∈ U there exists n ∈ N with fn(u) = fm(u) for all m ≥ n, yet (fn) is equivalent to the unit vector basis of the James quasi-reflexive space of order 1. Thus c0 does not embed isomorphically in the closed linear span [fn] of (fn). This answers in negative a question asked by H. Haydon, E. Odell and H. Rosenthal.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : m at h / 06 10 07 7 v 1 [ m at h . FA ] 2 O ct 2 00 6 COMPOSITION OPERATORS WITHIN SINGLY GENERATED COMPOSITION C ∗ - ALGEBRAS
Let φ be a linear-fractional self-map of the open unit disk D, not an automorphism, such that φ(ζ) = η for two distinct points ζ, η in the unit circle ∂D. We consider the question of which composition operators lie in C∗(Cφ,K), the unital C∗-algebra generated by the composition operator Cφ and the ideal K of compact operators, acting on the Hardy space H.
متن کاملRTES-03 Interfaces.indd
[ B ur ns 20 07 ] B u rn s, A & W el lin gs , A C o n cu rr en t a n d R ea l-T im e Pr o gr am m in g in A d a, e d it io n C am b ri d ge U n iv er si ty P re ss 2 00 7 [ M o to ro la 19 96 ] M o to ro la Ti m e Pr o ce ss in g U n it R ef er en ce M an u al 1 99 6 p p . 1 -1 42 [ M o to ro la 20 00 ] M o to ro la M PC 56 5 & M PC 56 6 2 00 0 p p . 1 -1 31 2 [ P ea co ck 19 97 ] Pe ac o ck , ...
متن کاملm at h . FA ] 1 6 A ug 1 99 4 THE BASIC SEQUENCE PROBLEM
We construct a quasi-Banach space X which contains no basic sequence.
متن کاملm at h . FA ] 2 8 M ar 1 99 4 QUOJECTIONS WITHOUT BANACH SUBSPACES
A quojection (projective limit of Banach spaces with surjec-tive linking mappings) without infinite dimensional Banach subspaces is constructed. This results answers a question posed
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